Updated New Years Resolutions
Mind, Body, Spirit
Be shampoo-free
15 minutes of intentional physical activity daily
Brush teeth daily
15 minutes of engaging mental activity daily
Wean myself off of caffeine and sodas
Spend more quality time with my hubby
No watching TV whilst Zamara is awake
Read to Zamara every day
Be in bed by 11pm every night
Clean up vocabulary
Bed made every morning
Kitchen sink shining every night
Begin a veggie garden
Start a compost bin / heap
Establish and practice FlyLady routines
Declutter – via FreeCycle, TM, etc
Compost within reason (exceptions – health, food, nappies, raw materials)
Make rather than buy where realistic (e.g., food, knitted items, toys, possibly clothes / nappies?)
Organize, and stick to, a budget
Establish a savings account and plan for Zamara
At 10:15 AM,
Kwizgiver said…
What do you mean by being Shampoo free?
At 4:59 AM,
Focus_ret said…
What are "FlyLady routines"?
At 5:04 PM,
WendyDarling said…
I am so proud of you, Margo. :-) Keep up your FlyLday routines, and pamper yourself. You will succeed. :-)
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